Sunday, May 18, 2014

I Have Things I Have To Do Today.

Wow, it has been some time since I have even looked at my blog but I often think of this one. Why? because I have so much to say but many times I stop myself from writing it on here. Just to much raw emotions at times and I don't want to go there. I set here, talk to myself and say.. no, I don't want to deal with that today, I have things I have to do. God has this, and I'm ok.

So many things have happened since my last post on here. One of the biggest things is, my dad passed away on my birthday. That was and still is hard at times. There are times I want to talk about it, but I just say.. no, not today.. I have things I have to get done.. and I put it away.

And so, as I have done many times before.. I have things that I have to do today...